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15 Hubbard Park Road, Cambridge, MA
Harvard SquarePrice: $14,995,000
975 Memorial Dr #1008, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $9,700,000
71 Larch Rd, Cambridge, MA
West CambridgePrice: $2,999,000
43 Lincoln Street, Cambridge, MA
Wellington-HarringtonPrice: $2,200,000
747 Cambridge Street #PH2, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,950,000
209 Lakeview Avenue, Cambridge, MA
Huron VillagePrice: $1,737,000
152 Charles Street #2, Cambridge, MA
East CambridgePrice: $1,698,000
98 Clay, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,550,000
26 Upton St, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,500,000
747 Cambridge St #2, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,035,000
1 Earhart Street #312, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $919,900
318 Rindge Ave #112, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $824,900
41 Linnaean St. #45, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $795,000
189 Brookline #3, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $749,000
128 Magazine #10, Cambridge, MA
CambridgeportPrice: $699,000
52 Garden Street #4, Cambridge, MA
Harvard SquarePrice: $650,000
1643 Cambridge Street #65, Cambridge, MA
Harvard SquarePrice: $615,000
22 Concord Ave #10, Cambridge, MA
Harvard SquarePrice: $599,000