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364-368 Washington St, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $2,850,000
196 Prospect St, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $2,499,000
286 Broadway #2, Cambridge, MA
Area 4-The PortPrice: $2,249,000
213 Harvard #7, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,750,000
150 Columbia Street #3, Cambridge, MA
Area 4-The PortPrice: $1,412,500
222 Columbia #1, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,375,000
213 Harvard #2, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,300,000
188-194 Green Street #188, Cambridge, MA
CambridgeportPrice: $1,240,000
222 Columbia #2, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $770,000
999 Confidential St, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $220,000
319 Washington St, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $6,800
440 Mass #6, Cambridge, MA
Central SquarePrice: $6,000
434 Mass #2, Cambridge, MA
Central SquarePrice: $6,000
10 Essex #205, Cambridge, MA
Central SquarePrice: $5,300
32 Pearl St, Cambridge, MA
Central SquarePrice: $5,000
26 Inman Street #1D, Cambridge, MA
Central SquarePrice: $4,500
241 Prospect St. #2, Cambridge, MA
Inman SquarePrice: $4,500
10 Essex St. #302, Cambridge, MA
Central SquarePrice: $4,100